Understanding Mormonism
a different doctrine
September 28 | 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Hopedale Baptist Church | 5370 N, State Hwy NN | Ozark MO
In 2023, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormons”) announced they will build a new LDS temple in southwest Missouri. In 2024 the location of the new temple was disclosed: Ozark, Missouri.
In spite of their name, the “Jesus Christ” of the LDS church is NOT the Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
We want to help our Tri-County churches better understand Mormonism, and what the new Mormon temple coming to our area can mean to our churches.
Tri-County is partnering with Hopedale Baptist Church and the Missouri Baptist Apologetics Network to bring “UNDERSTANDING MORMONISM: A DIFFERENT DOCTRINE” to our area on September 28 at Hopedale Baptist Church in Ozark.
Topics covered will include:
- An overview of the LDS church
- Key differences in LDS church doctrine and biblical Christianity
- The significance of an LDS temple (what happens in an LDS temple, and why it’s important to their faith)
- Engaging Latter Day Saints in gospel conversations
Lunch will be provided so we need people to register. Please call Hopedale Baptist Church at (417) 581-3836 to register.
We look forward to seeing you there!