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Camp dates
June 2-5, 2025
includes lodging, meals, snacks, all activities and T-shirt
Junior Cabin Leaders–$60
Junior Cabin Leaders–$60
2 camps!

completed grades 3-6

completed grades 7-10
Important dates
May 5: Camper, Camp leaders, cabin & Jr cabin leaders online registration due
May 20: Church checks due to
Tri-County office
Tri-County office
June 1: Cabin Leader orientation
at Baptist Hill
5:30 p.m. Light supper
6:30 p.m. Orientation begins
at Baptist Hill
5:30 p.m. Light supper
6:30 p.m. Orientation begins
June 2: Camp begins!
1:00 p.m. Camper check-in (please do not bring campers before 1 p.m.)
1:00 p.m. Camper check-in (please do not bring campers before 1 p.m.)
June 5: Camp dismissed!
6-7:30 p.m. final worship service
6-7:30 p.m. final worship service
Camp leader/adult volunteer information
NOTE: Background checks are completed on all persons over 18 years old serving at camp
Cabin leaders: Sign-up through your church camp coordinator. PLEASE NOTE: Cabin leaders should not sign up for any additional volunteer positions. Click here for cabin leader responsibilities
Junior Cabin Leaders: Must be at least 17 years old or completed grade 11. Sign-up through your church camp coordinator. Click here for junior cabin leader responsibilities.
Other adult leaders: (click for responsibilities)
Downloads and links
To register campers, click HERE
CAMP LEADERS: Please complete this form
Adult background check release (required for all 18+ years old)
Camp prayer guide (coming soon)