on the journey

The Best Job in the World (Pt. 1)–08/13/2021
I was raised going to church. In fact, I was born in a Baptist Hospital where I guess they put “Baptist” diapers on me—maybe that makes me a life-long Baptist!
And I’ve always had a great respect for pastors, even as a child. I remember being in church one Sunday, looking at my pastor (brother Ralph Cannon) and thinking “He’s got the best job in the world because he works for God.”
Since those tender years, and after having served as a pastor myself, I’ve learned a lot about that “best job in the world.”
Being a pastor IS the best job, because you work for God. But there’s a lot about being a pastor that I dare say most folks don’t know about or even stop to consider.
It’s the best job in the world because you work for God. But it’s also the HARDEST job in the world for the same reason—you work for God. The writer of Hebrews puts it into perspective when he writes they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. (Hebrews 13:7)
Anybody here willing to stand up before God and say, “Lord, make me accountable for ____’s soul”? That’s what pastors have done and do. They are the ones who have stepped up and said, “Here am I, send me.” I’m thankful for my pastor. And I’m thankful for yours!