Executive Board
Between Annual Meetings, the association is governed by the Executive Board, comprised of the pastor of each church and one other person elected by the congregation.
Members of TCBA’s Executive Board are the first to hear the latest happenings in our churches and in the Tri-County, and play an important role in determining the present and future direction of the association. Membership in the Executive Board is a privilege; each member extends God’s Kingdom beyond the four walls of their church by assisting the association accomplish its work in our three counties and beyond. The board meets at least twice a year.
From TCBA’s Constitution:
Section One. MEMBERSHIP: The Executive Board shall be composed of the pastor and one other person elected by each affiliated congregation, members of the Administrative Team, and officers of the association. Paid staff members of the Association shall have input but do not carry a vote.
Section Two. MEETINGS: The Executive Board shall have at least two meetings each year other than the annual meeting. The Administrative Team may call special meetings for a specific purpose by giving at least seven days’ notice. Notice shall be given to affiliated churches. These churches are responsible for notifying their Board Members.
Section Three. AUTHORITY: The Executive Board is governed by all provisions of this Constitution and established Policies and Procedures. This Board has full power and authority to conduct the business of the Association between Annual Meetings when called upon by the Administrative team to do so.
Section Four. REPORTING: The Executive Board shall supply a written summary of their decisions and actions at the Annual Meeting.
Section Five. QUORUM: The members of the Executive Board present at any called and noticed meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting.
Section Six. MANNER OF ACTING: The act of a majority of the members of the Executive Board present at a meeting shall be binding on the association, unless a greater percentage is required by established policies and procedures for a specific vote.