2019 Church Family Gathering

Tri-County Baptist Association’s 2019 Church Family Gathering and Worship
Sunday, September 29, 2019
First Baptist Church of Ozark
1400 W. Jackson Street, Ozark MO 65721
Every Fall, churches from Christian, Stone and Taney County gather to celebrate our one-ness in Christ and how He is at work among us as a family of churches. Join us at First Baptist Ozark on September 29th–you’ll be informed, inspired and blessed!
Speaker: Dr. Grant Ethridgesenior pastor at Liberty Baptist Church (Hampton Roads, Virginia)
Ministry Fair 3:30 – 6:00 pm
Information and Business Session 4:00 pm
Fellowship Dinner 5:00 pm
Church Family Worship 6:00 pm
Dinner Registration Deadline: September 15. Register here or call (417)725-8825.
Childcare: If you are needing childcare ages birth-5th grade please contact Meleta at meleta@tcsba.com or 417.725.8825